About the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme
The BLMK Diabetic Eye Screening Programme is the only provider of NHS specialist diabetic eye screening in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK). This service is provided by Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Milton Keynes University Hospital and conducts a quality assured screening at 20 locations across BLMK.
Eye screening is a key part of diabetes care, and all diabetic patients aged 12 years or older, should have a specialist diabetic eye screening test every year due to the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy which can severely affect their sight.
Screening can detect the condition early and before any changes to the vision are noted by the patient and where needed the patient can be referred into hospital eye services for treatment. Early treatment can prevent severe sight loss.
Contact the BLMK Diabetic Eye Screening Team
For Bedfordshire & Luton call: 01234 795861
For Milton Keynes call: 01908 996536